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Frustrated, but So Good!

If you are reading this, THANK YOU! 

It has been too long since I have given my blog/site any real attention. I have thought a million thoughts on what to post and, as you may have noticed, I did not put any action to them. In my head I have really awesome shit to type out! I have loads of content stored in this brain of mine.

Let's see .... I could blog about work, my children, a failed garden, my health or even my marriage. Yes. Eyez married now!! Ok. Not funny, huh?

I could have blogged about how adjusting to married life is just that - an adjustment. I could share that marriage has been pure excitement and romance and sex and giggles. But it has been more than all of that. In just under two years, there's been disagreements, single socks left on the floor, dirty clothes on the bed, toothpaste on the sink, a few arguments, dirty dishes in the sink, and more. However, there has been an abundance of love and admiration and compromising and harmonizing and yielding, some frustrations and lots of conversations, and best of all great food! LOL! Yes, my husband cooks! (insert Cardi B's WAP lyrics, but not really) He doesn't just cook the food, he presents the food! Like 5 Star presentations. Yep! He does the cooking and I do the 5-star cleaning and eating. It's a win for us both. Now, before you think you can get in my business, just know this works for the two of us. I have never said "I can cook" with the meaning being I can throw down in the kitchen. For the sake of fairness and a tiny hint of guilt, I do prepare meals for him. They just happen to be prepared in a restaurant first. Besides, he did not marry me for my cooking!!

Stop judging and assuming now. My husband loves me. I love him. Ours is a tale for a great book. It is Tyler Perry movie with the good wigs good. It's a story certainly worth sharing, but just not on this blog.

Nonetheless, I will share this. When it comes to support and commitment and dedication and communication and motivation, my husband is the greatest! He is All the Man That I Need! He is a whole catalog of R&B love songs. To describe my thoughts and feelings of my love for him, I will share a short playlist of songs that sums up a small portion of just how much I love My Man, My Man! (iykyk) 

1. You Give Good Love - Whitney Houston

2. Greatest Love of All - Whitney Houston

3. Something In My Heart - Michel'le

4. Love, Need and Want You - Pattie LaBelle

5. I Feel Good All Over - Stephanie Mills

There is a plethora of songs I could list, but I am certain you get the point.

So, when you see me walking down the street, smiling and being all happy and positive, walk on by and know My Husband has a big part in that. If you should see me with a not so happy, but more of a woe is me look, just know I had to pick up a dang dirty sock! 

Go be a light and shine! I gotta get to these dishes. 

P.S. You are welcome for the playlist.

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